The best macro I've ever made.
If you have a glowing weapon, you can use this to have it glow while sheathed. Just execute this, then stand up.
Macro for a standard farewell before logging out of the game.
Alert your party or alliance to an upcoming mechanic (generic) with text and sound. Useful for meteors or stack/spread mechanics that might get missed especially in alliance raids.
Danger bongos do their thing
For bread enthusiasts ONLY! (Might need to adjust wait seconds, depending on your race/gender animation duration)
Disband your party with style
The weapon glow trick but you stay standing! Make your weapon show its glow while it's sheathed. You do a brief movement but no sitting now :)
If you're in a party you immediately get on any multi-seater mount, if there are none nearby then you summon your own (if not moving), if you are moving or can't summon a mount then you sprint. If you are entering a FATE then you levelsync as you get off your mount.
Relay a called hunt to your other linkshells/fc/etc... Remove any lines for linkshells you don't have or don't want to forward hunts to. Click the map link first (or manually set a flag) then run this macro to forward the hunt location on to your party, all your linkshells, the zone, and your fc.
Sharing those elusive S Rank hunts
Warm Kitty Song
Tactics for Memoria Misera EX.
Ignore Mechanics O'clock