Set All BFX and Names to On (I use this when not in a duty) All Name Plates On All BFX On
Set Party and Other BFX to Simple. Set Own and Other Names to show in Battle but Show Parties (I normally use this in dungeons and some less hectic Trials)
star burst stream lol
Useful for Spread and Stack mechanics on Azdaja Shadow, for Eventide Triad and Fall, Pairs are listed in uptime friendly order for Void Stardust, and Double Meteors mechanic.
TOP Sigma Saus waymark
P9S Test
frog macro
frog macro
my FC recruiting one line macro
This is a 5 minute timer that sends a little notice every minute, and then the countdown last 30 seconds. It is best used in Palace of the Dead, floors 151+, for its 5 minute respawn timer
Math is hard. Use this cheat sheet.